Tron Systems are committed to providing equal opportunities for people with disabilities. Part of this commitment is to ensure that this website is as accessible as is practically possible.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) develops specifications, guidelines, software, and tools to lead the Web to its full potential. They have developed standards to ensure that web pages are valid syntactically and understood by all browsers (both HTML web pages and CSS stylesheets). All pages on this site are tested against these standards and conform to them.
The World Wide Web Consortium has also developed "Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0" as part of its Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). These guidelines are a standard specification providing guidance on accessibility of websites for people with disabilities. The specification contains a number of guidelines which are general principles of accessible design. Within each guideline are a number of checkpoints. Conformance with the guidelines and checkpoints is indicated using three priority levels:
- 'A' - checkpoints that must be satisfied otherwise some groups of people will find it impossible to access information.
- 'AA' - checkpoints that should be satisfied or else some groups of people will find it difficult to access information.
- 'AAA' - checkpoints that may be satisfied or else some groups of people will find it somewhat difficult to access information.
All pages on this site conform to at least the 'AA' standard.
Tron Systems want our site to be as clear as possible. If you find any of the site difficult to access, or if the written English is difficult to understand, please let us know at